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The Five Reasons
Selling System

In 2003 I was hired by a very large electrical contractor. My job was to sell electrical maintenance and testing and small project work focused on new owner direct opportunities. Having had no formal sales training prior to taking my new position, and very little experience in sales overall, I knew I had to develop a system where I could literally forecast each and every opportunity that came my way, and I needed to do it in real-time. Well, I'm excited to say I've done just that. Let me introduce you to the 5 Reasons Selling System ©.

Utilizing a series of proprietary sales tools to uncover the particular buying habits, information and characteristics of the prospects I was calling on, I was able to develop a selling system based on the 5 reasons why people don't buy, or in this case weren't buying from me. What I found was astounding. By utilizing my industry specific sales tools, focused on Curiosity, Empathy and Instinct, I found that if I was able to uncover and procure at least 3 positives out of the 5 reasons why people don't buy, I was able to close the deal. I became so good at gauging prospects using this new system, that by the end of 2005, we had won "Contractor Of The Year" and I had established a close rate of over 70%. The 5 Reasons Selling System © is adaptable to any business, any market, anywhere. Implemented and mastered, the results can be instantaneous and in some cases cutting the sales cycle time line by more than 50%. 

“Study any successful company that fields a number of sales professionals and you will discover that the smart businesses, the ones that get it, have a well-defined, duplicable selling system.”  Sean Samson

Here are some serious questions to ask yourself that could help put things into perspective.

  • Do you have a proactive sales team dedicated to Owner Direct Sales?

  • Are the efforts of these sales providing your business with Predictable Recurring Revenue, Multi-Year Service Agreements and Increased Negotiated Projects?

  • Has your team been professionally trained in construction & service – small project and maintenance sales?

  • Are you currently using a Duplicable/Industry Specific Selling System, that provides ongoing immersion based coaching and support?

  • Are at least 70% of your sales professionals at or above plan?

Using our 5 Reasons Selling System © and immersion based training!

  • Sales professionals that utilize the 5 Reasons Selling System © and the methodology, have an 18% higher win rate, and have reduced their overall "Sales Cycle" up to 50%

  • Effectively justify value to protect and increase agreement size and scope of work

  • Immediately improve sales funnel efficiency

  • Be able to recognize performance gains and gaps in real time using industry specific sales tools

  • Cut the ramp-up time in half on new sales professionals, while reducing turnover with your veteran sales team

We absolutely guarantee that by utilizing our 5 Reasons Selling System © and it’s methodology, you and your organization can find the financial independence, peace of mind and the sales success you’ve been searching for all along.

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